National Theater San Salvador
National Theater San Salvador
National Theater San Salvador
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Deby G
28 bijdragen
jul. 2024 • Vrienden
I really like the decoration that is on the ceiling.
It is a theater with 3-story seats.
There is not much space in the central area, but it has nice decoration 🤭
It is a theater with 3-story seats.
There is not much space in the central area, but it has nice decoration 🤭
Geschreven op 22 juli 2024
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claudia lis d
2 bijdragen
okt. 2022 • Gezinnen
La arquitectura es preciosa y es accesible visitarlo sobre todo hoy que el Centro Histórico está libre de ventas, hay varios parqueos seguros.
Geschreven op 23 december 2022
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Washington DC, DC6.618 bijdragen
dec. 2022 • Alleen
After trying to visit it three times, I finally was able to tour it before I left the city. It opens at 10:30 am and closes at 5:00 p.m . Currently there are no shows here, only tours of the theater. Entrance fee for foreigners is $5.00 per person.
Our guide briefly explained the history of this theater. We visited the seating areas of this theater, several side rooms for piano recitals, some dancing, military gatherings, etc. We admired the paintings at the ceiling, the chandeliers, some mouldings, the marble stairs, etc.
Having recently visited the National Theater in Santa Ana, I concluded that it is more elegant, beautiful, and historical in my personal opinion than this Theater. I enjoyed it more because I was the only visitor during my visit and my guide did the tour in English in Santa Ana.
Our guide briefly explained the history of this theater. We visited the seating areas of this theater, several side rooms for piano recitals, some dancing, military gatherings, etc. We admired the paintings at the ceiling, the chandeliers, some mouldings, the marble stairs, etc.
Having recently visited the National Theater in Santa Ana, I concluded that it is more elegant, beautiful, and historical in my personal opinion than this Theater. I enjoyed it more because I was the only visitor during my visit and my guide did the tour in English in Santa Ana.
Geschreven op 23 december 2022
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Beverly Hills, Californië46 bijdragen
mrt. 2022
I was lucky enough to attend a ballet performance of the opera Carmen, which was the highlight of my San Salvador visit.
It’s a very elegant place , and it’s unfortunate that except for a nice literary coffee shop a few feet away there’s absolutely no nice restaurant around. The historic center of this city badly needs a reconfiguration.
It’s a very elegant place , and it’s unfortunate that except for a nice literary coffee shop a few feet away there’s absolutely no nice restaurant around. The historic center of this city badly needs a reconfiguration.
Geschreven op 19 april 2022
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
The World is My Oyster
Orlando, FL21.847 bijdragen
dec. 2020 • Alleen
Definitely one of the most beautiful building in San Salvador. The design is splendid, and reminded me a lot of some buildings in Europe. The shows there are also very cheap, at most $7/ticket.
Geschreven op 4 december 2020
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Kochi (Cochin), India797 bijdragen
jan. 2020 • Stellen
Designed by a French architect and constructed by a Salvadorian firm, this theatre was opened in 1917. This was remodelled in 1976 -78 period and has a mixed style with materials and furniture used from different countries. There is also a large water colour painting on the ceiling. The theatre was declared a national monument in 1979 and there are plenty of performances happening there.
Geschreven op 4 februari 2020
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Guillo de Viaje
Cali, Colombia493 bijdragen
jun. 2019 • Stellen
Lo vi apenas por fuera y llama mucho la atención. Valdría la pena ir a algún evento aquí, sin duda. | @guillodeviaje
Geschreven op 22 juli 2019
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Neuquen, Argentinië605 bijdragen
jun. 2019 • Vrienden
Edificio terminado en 1917, resistió muchos terremotos y la guerra civil. Conserva hermosos pisos originales. No tiene ascensor y es un problema para pèrsonas con dificultades motrices. La sala pequeña se encuentra en el 3º piso.
Geschreven op 11 juni 2019
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
betty l
Brampton, Canada10.527 bijdragen
okt. 2018 • Alleen
We passed by this theater on our tour of Sal Salvador and immediately I saw its resemblance to the Paris Opera. Its evokes a parisian european style of architecture which made it stand out among the other buildings in the square .
I am amazed by how well the facade is maintained > I would have loved to go in but we had no time.
I am amazed by how well the facade is maintained > I would have loved to go in but we had no time.
Geschreven op 1 februari 2019
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
Marlene C
Miami, FL122 bijdragen
mrt. 2018
Well I did not actually get to go inside because the guard stop letting people in at 3:30 . We begged to go inside but he declined . We even offered to pay him extra he smiled and then his boss came and told us it was to late . Before we left he informed us that it was 1.00 admission and they close at 4:00. In fact I have notice that all places I visited close earlier than posted. From view of outside the building was well kept. A large gate surrounds the building and plenty of police and arm guards viable . This is across the street from The “La Liberta”.
Geschreven op 21 maart 2018
Deze beoordeling is de subjectieve mening van een Tripadvisor-lid en niet de mening van Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor voert controles uit op beoordelingen.
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